Thank you for your patience as we’ve sorted through the myriad issues that suddenly presented themselves in the wake of shutting down an entire ski resort nearly overnight due to the Coronavirus pandemic. And now, under the State of Vermont Governor’s orders, we’re really shut down for a bit here. This too shall pass, but in the meantime, let’s see if we can answer some of your questions here, shall we?
Uphill Travel Policy
As it says on our Nordic / Backcountry / Uphill Snow Report page:
Bolton Valley is closed for the winter season. This includes resort wide operations, services AND our designated uphill routes and backcountry terrain – it is all closed at this time due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. We can’t wait to see you all around the mountain again soon, but for now, are following the guidance of state and local health officials who do recommend you continue to get outside and exercise, but do so as close to your homes as possible and keep it mellow so as to not require medical resources in the event of an injury. Thank you for your understanding on this. Believe us, this is really hard for us, too. But we know we will get through this together and can’t wait to slide on snow with you again next season!
Lift Ticket Refunds
If you pre-purchased a lift ticket on our website valid after we closed March 15, 2020 and you have not already been made whole again, please email us at [email protected] and we’ll make sure your purchase has been settled appropriately. If you purchased through a third party site (like for instance), your purchase should have already been refunded in full by them directly and if not, encourage you to contact the 3rd party seller directly.
Lesson Refunds
All lessons scheduled and paid for from March 16, 2020 forward should have already been refunded but reach out to [email protected] if you need further assistance.
Hotel Reservations
It remains somewhat unclear exactly when we’ll be able to re-open the hotel for new bookings, but if you have an existing reservation that may be impacted and haven’t connected with us yet, please feel free to reach out at [email protected] and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
Powder Passes & Other Multi-Day Product Refunds
Perhaps you bought a Powder Pass or Boston Ski Show special, but were saving a day or two for the last few weeks of the season. No worries, we got you. You have until the end of next season (April 2021) to redeem the unused days. Nothing to do on your end until you return next winter. Simply check in at Guest Services ticket counter (same as this past year) – your account already reflects the credit for next season (if you have any days left, that is).
For SkiVermont Take 3 Beginner and other products, please visit and the corresponding page for details on how those are being accomadated.
Returning Your Season-Long Rental/Lease Equipment & Cleaning Out Your Locker
4/28 Update: Well May 1 sure seemed like a reasonable time line a few weeks ago, but still working through the details of how / when we can open up returns. Stay tuned, but the deadline will definitely be June at the earliest at this point. Once we have something figured out on this front, we’ll send an email update to everyone who had leased equipment last year.
Okay, who knows when it will actually be appropriate for you to come back up to the resort and clean out your locker and/or return your season long rental equipment to BV Sports. Somehow many of you managed to do this already, which was really impressive considering the short window of opportunity you had between the sudden closure and the Governor’s order to not travel unless absolutely necessary. So… we’re saying May 1 as of now, but frankly, we’re not that worried about this at the moment and know it’s possible we may not get all the returns back until summer, we’ll see. Any way you slice it, we need to hold off for a bit, barring some sort of extenuating circumstance. We’ll get it done when the time is right. If that’s July, so be it. We’re sure you have other more important things to worry about, so how about we just say “stay tuned” for now…
Sound like a fair plan for the time being?
In the meantime, if you do plan to renew your lease or locker for next year, you’re welcome to re-up any time (and lock in the lowest price of the year through April 27) at:
2020-21 Seasonal Rental/Lease Equipment and Locker Rentals
2019-20 Season Pass Holders
Okay, we’re still working through some ideas here, bear with us… but what we’re thinking is, well, we miss you! More than anything, we want a chance to hang out again, once it’s appropriate to do so. We’ll be in touch as we dial in the details, but mostly we just want to gather and continue to build community with you, so we’re currently bouncing around ideas for a pass holder appreciation event late summer or early fall. Not sure exactly what form it will take quite yet, except that the goal is to have a fun time together when it’s appropriate to congregate once again. For our pass holders, both old and new, we can’t wait to see you again! Stay tuned…
Spring 2020-21 Season Pass Sales
Information in this section is current as of March 27, 2020 – please visit our season pass page for the most up-to-date intel as we continue to dial in new details
Like last year, we still plan to have 2 early season pass sale deadlines. Typically the first one would be early April and the second one would be late May, but we’ve decided to shift the first deadline back 3 weeks to April 27 to give everyone more time to settle into the new flow here. We hope this 3 week pass deadline extension for the lowest pass prices of the year will give people more time to make the right decision for them and their family. And let’s face it, these early pass sale deadlines are CRITICAL to the viability of our ski resort. We count on this capital to sustains us through the quieter summer months and it helps us keep as much year round staff as we possibly can and also hire back all our beloved seasonal staff as early as we possibly can in the fall to prepare for a great season!
We know this is really challenging times for many out there. We’re with you. We were all caught off guard here and maybe you’re getting sick of hearing platitudes like “we’re all in this together,” but frankly, that’s really how we feel. Without you there is no us. So if you are able to support our independent, locally owned and operated ski resort during one of our early season pass sales, we are especially grateful this year. Thank you.
And in that spirit, we are super excited to announce that we are implementing a payment plan option this year! We hope this will empower some of you to join us, knowing that next winter will come and call us crazy, but we think it’s gonna be a pretty amazing season. I mean, let’s face it, as soon as we’re able to fully gather outside together again, it’s gonna feel pretty dang good, don’t you think?
Stay tuned as we dial in the details on the payment plan in the coming weeks. In all likelihood, it will take us a couple weeks to integrate this with our payment systems both online and at points of sale for phone and over-the-counter transactions (whenever the latter can resume – will be all online and phone sales for now, thank you).
Did we mention that we are a locally owned and operated business?
There are really 4 things that sustain us:
1. Our beloved staff (thank you!)
2. Our cherished guests – we miss your faces!
3. Our incredible community – how lucky are we to call this place home?
4. Our own business viability and sustainability
And these 4 things really couldn’t be more intertwined. Pull any one of those threads out of the mix and everything’s impacted. It feels strange to try and sell anything right now, but we also know that the best way for us to take care of the first 3 constituencies above is to also do everything we possibly can to look after #4. If you are fortunate enough to be in a position to do so, we can’t thank you enough for your support. We are, truly, in this together!
Summer Operations 2020
Well, this sure does seem to be evolving quickly, doesn’t it? We had some fun stuff in the works for April and May, but it all looks unlikely at this point, so right now most of our excitement is pinned on Summer Camps (staring June 22 or whenever they can) and also getting our Mountain Bike, Disc Golf and Sports Center seasons going as soon as we can, but likely not before mid June. The first big event for those is (hopefully) our Eastern States Cup MTB Enduro the last weekend of June!
Other Questions?
Email or call us:
[email protected]
(802) 434-6840