To the BV Community,
Summer is upon us and we have a lot planned at Bolton Valley this year.
As with life, not everything is going exactly as planned and so I want to take a moment to share a bit of what’s happening up here – the good, the great, and the delayed…
Top of mind for us right now is our Mountain Bike Park. We’re super excited to get you out on the trails this year, with more improvements on the existing network and with a lot of work currently happening on our new Green Trail. Gravity Logic and our own trail crew are expecting to debut this new, gorgeous top to bottom beginner trail sometime in July which, together with our intermediate trails, including our new blue jump trail, will make mountain biking at Bolton Valley fun for everyone – no matter your experience level as a rider. I can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to riding the park with Elsie, my niece this summer. She’s six and she’s raring to go!
All that said, I admit that I’ve been really frustrated these past couple sunny weekends not to be able to get on the lift myself due to a delay getting a part we need for a lift repair and without which we simply cannot spin the lift. Let me assure you that we’re doing everything in our power to hurry along the manufacturer, but until we can get our hands on what we need, we are stuck in the mud. Bear with us – we’ll be spinning Vista for MTB (and scenic lift rides) as soon as we can.
The silver lining: because our season is being shortened by this delay, we’ve decided to stick with our early season pass pricing and not raise the price on our summer MTB lift pass this year. Keep an eye on our Trail Report and social media for an announcement about our opening day and in the meantime, if you like to climb or push, the park is open for pedal access and riding great and summer is just beginning.
Speaking of favorite summer activities – our music series on the lawn behind the base lodge is back this summer with free music every Wednesday and Friday, from June 24 through Labor Day. Nothing is so good as outdoor music on the lawn in the summer with the outdoor grill. And – yes, yes, our beloved seafood boil will be back… aaaaannnnnnd…. how about a pig roast too!
There’s really too much to mention – our new outdoor pool will be opening soon (watch out for our grand opening party), the insanely adorable balance bike race will be back, we’ll be hosting a trail running event, and free disc golf. We’re also working on getting some new tennis/pickle ball courts built, there are a still a few spots in some of our summer camp weeks…. and the list goes on. As has been the case the past few years – there’s lots going on at Bolton right now – so come check it out and join in the summer fun.
Thanks and see you up here soon.