Bolton Valley announced today that parking in both the main base area lots and the newly-renovated Timberline Lodge will continue to be free to all customers this season. Since 1966, founder Ralph DesLauriers has worked to make skiing affordable to Vermonters and natural to Vermont’s environment. The original plan for the resort even included the note that “parking lots should have trees and grass breaking up the rows of cars so you aren’t facing out onto a lifeless sea of metal.” In accordance with that initial vision and in the spirit of authenticity, sections of the lower parking lots still use the original dirt from 1966! #HeirloomDirt
BV President, Lindsay DesLauriers said, “while our parking lots may not be the fanciest, they will be free to all skiers and riders.”
“Skiing is about experiencing the natural beauty of winter. And what is more unnatural than a big stripe of smooth tar breaking up a beautiful mountain landscape?” an enthusiastic Bolton Valley skier told reporters while putting the snow tires on their Subaru to good use.