Fall Foliage is in Bloom

Autumn is upon us and we could not be more grateful for this beauteous backdrop we get to call home.  This was an exceptionally glorious Friday with the sunshine highlighting hues of gold, scarlet, and jade all around us. The panoramic views up here will only get that much sweeter as we inch towards peak foliage expected for next weekend.

The cherry on the sundae here is that there are a number of ways to take in fall foliage depending on your recreation of choice. If you’re not already a seasoned mountain biker, maybe this is your chance to try out our beginner-friendly trail Ebascootcha and finally see what the fuss is all about! The 3.5 mile trail has plenty of pull ofs where you can take five and be rewarded with breathtaking views after crushing those berms.

If I was considering a scenic lift ride I’d probably make a pit stop at the Mountain Market to grab some snacks and beverages to enjoy at one of the picnic tables on Vista Peak. Bonus you’ll also take in views of Lake Champlain and the valley.

Keeping track of your daily steps? Why not be captivated by the fall foliage via a hike on one of our scenic trails? Check ‘em out here. If you’re like me and never venture outdoors without your best furry friend bring ‘em with on a hike up the Snowflake work road that will lead you to magnificent views off the Spellbinder ski trail. Feel free to also check out our trails from the Sports Center that will lead you to gems like Bryant’s Camp, Harrington’s View, and the Bolton Cabin just to name a few. We’re about 2 weeks away from our final lift operations for the Fall Season so take advantage of this magnificent peak in the season and come see the views for yourself.